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Enough of Harassment with Nurses: Time to Stop it!

Workplace harassment and bullying must be dealt appropriately in a timely, fair and policy driven aspects. The room nurses face this harassment and this is considered riskier for the health and the safety in the hospital environment.

More than 66% of the nurses suffer from workplace harassment and bullying in the workplace. This exponential growth has taken place in the past few days and thus there has been escalating aggressiveness in the past few years. The report provided by the nurse’s highlights that the type of harassment that they face and experience might not be solved out easily. The nurses try to seek medical science help from time to time and thus it is found that this will reduce their problem to some extent. This is considered to be a huge and overlooked problem and this will make the nurses free from the concept of harassment and bullying.

The nurses expect that they should be treated in a better way and they do not want to witness aggression personally. There are many other nurses who applaud that their workplace is not for tolerating any sort of inappropriate behavior. This misbehavior must be prevented at the administrative level and thus they should not tolerate any such misbehavior in the long run.

Workplace bullying – Anyone can be at risk

Yes, it is right that bullying is also faced by the room nurses. According to the report of different leading newspaper, it has been found that nursing is a profession of compassion and caring and bullying among the room nurses takes different form. It affects the morale, teamwork, communication as well as the safety of the patient. The nurses also approach for medical science help and thus they acknowledge that this will affect their career if they are not paid proper care and attention. The nurses play an important role in the healthcare environment and thus they must not be harassed in the workplace.

It is necessary to examine the seasoned nurses in a better way and this is possible through proper modification of the physical environment accordingly and in a better way. It is the responsibility of the hospital authority to check that there is safe working environment and thus the nurses handle the different types of equipment with care in order to prevent different forms of accidents. This will help the nurses to stay away from various types of harmful scenario.

Stop this right now – Utilize education

Bullying among the workplace nurses is considered to be a common phenomenon. There must be removal of different forms of aggression and this will help in the removal of bullying from the workplace. There should be a provision of appropriate training at the workplace and this will foster a better working environment. In fact, early education should be given to the nurses in order to sense the intimidation before it happens. This highly unacceptable thing can be minimized to an extent if proper education like medical science help and training is provided to the nurses at the time they pursue their different nursing courses.

In this way the nurses will be aware of their rights and can tackle such work place harassment. There should be proper communication among the different members and they should feel free to express their opinions towards each other in a better way. This is considered to lay better outcome in the hospital environment. Time to be proactive and take a stand.